The weekend was busy - which is why I'm writing this on Monday evening ;)
Saturday was mostly eaten up by our family Pathfinder* session, with A playing out for most of the day.
After the game L cooked - he made burgers from scratch and some wedges, which we ate whilst watching Dr Who. J and I are getting a cold, so early nights were had by all.
Other stuff happened over the day - J read to A, there was some drawing, and some mine crafting (of course!)
On Sunday M had another rugby match - the team played much better this week, although they still lost, and there was a definite feeling that they are settling in o their new roles at long last :)
A and I went to church - she began a series of lessons on Saul / St Paul, I continued trying to get three boisterous lads to think about Abraham. I had them carrying a tent around, then pitching it, and we played a variant of "I went to the moon and I brought . . ." which ran along the lines of "Abraham went to the desert and he took . . ." I was quite pleased with the idea of the game, but it didn't work as well as it could have - we have a child in the group with quite unclear speech, and whilst I can normally translate he has a cold which makes it all worse :(
After that we all went to my in laws house for a birthday celebration. Family gatherings can be very stressful with two Autistic children in a small space - especially when you add in people they barely know who have no understanding of their quirks. Surprisingly the boys were well behaved, and whilst there were a few sticky moments none of them were caused by M or J :)
We got back very late, so there was a brief story and then bed for all :)
*Pathfinder is a roleplaying game, and we are playing an on going story called Reign of Winter.
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