Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Day nine - happy :)

Today is an easy blog post :) Today has been a happy day.

One of my favourite people on the planet came over, and she even brought her kids (all of whom are adorable and fun)

I barely saw A all day, since she was upstairs playing with two of our visitors, the day passed quickly for them, there seemed to be no major stress at all.  I *think* there were games with dolls, play food and Minecraft, but since they were happy I left them to it.

I got to spend a lot of time putting the world to rights with my dear friend, and playing with her youngest.  I'd forgotten just how much I enjoy making convoluted train tracks :)

At some point I made some loom band "charms" with one of our guests, and the GeoMag came out too.

Once our guests had gone A, L and J played with the GeoMag a bit more.

M and J are really enjoying a new game on their tablets, and have spent the day researching and playing that - perhaps not ideal, but they are engrossed and reading / socialising with each other. 

Later L tackled some maths - manipulating fractions, which he has had trouble with previously.  This time it all seems to have clicked and he whizzed through it.  He's got a headache so we talked about poetry (the next section in his English book) and discussed some principles of it rather than working through the book.  When L is tired / headachey he finds reading in artificial light hard work, so whilst I would have preferred to crack on with the course I doubt he would have retained much of the learning as he would be working hard to overcome the Irlen's Syndrome side of his dyslexia.  As this whole subject is way outside his comfort zone I am very aware that he is having to work much harder than it seems for the progress he is making, and I don't want to compromise that by pushing when I don't need to.  We have already covered about 1/10th of the course, and he's doing far better than I anticipated, if we keep going at this rate then we should be starting the IGCSE level work just after Christmas, which is about 6 months before I was anticipating :) So, slow days are not a problem!

The younger three have now all gone to their various scouting sections - A to beavers, J to cubs and M to scouts.

After a late dinner it'll be a quick story (we've reached Nelson in "Our Island Story now), then bed for all :)

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