Monday, 21 October 2013

The end of group assessments :(

We've come to the end of J's groups assessment.  For the last five Fridays he has happily sat in a room with four other boys and done "stuff" whilst various professionals helped and observed.

I haven't been able to record here as much of what went on as I wanted, for one very simple reason ...

At the meeting about the assessments J was asked to make sure he respected the confidentiality of the other children in the group.  He was told it was a rule, and he signed a piece of paper. 

Anytime I have asked how things went I get a vague answer and am told it's confidential!  He has really taken that word to heart and is doing his best.

I can give you a general idea - from what I have picked up, what M did, and what CAMHs told us would happen :

  • Week 1 - getting to know each other, setting rules, general free play.
  • Week 2 - specific games, drawing our families
  • Week 3 - imaginative play, one to one role play exercise
  • Week 4 - physical games
  • Week 5 - trip to cafĂ©.

Each week they would sit and share one piece of news about their week, and they had a snack of fruit and water too.

The activities are chosen to give insight into what the children find hard, and they are observed keenly at all times.  The way the kids go into the group and come out is also observed, as are their interactions with parents at those times.

Just like last time I hope J was able to show himself as he truly is, and that the observations give the team a clear picture of at least some of his differences.

Now we wait - in 4 - 6weeks my husband and I will be back, and we will meet with two or three of the team that ran the assessment group, one of them will read through their "write-up" of the assessment, and discuss in depth anything we want to know more about.  At that point we will be told what they suggest happens next.

When M went through these sessions I had no idea what to expect, so I hope recording this here is able to help someone!

**Edited to add**

This assessment group is in part replacing the school based assessments that some children have - though the other children all go to school - and was looking at social and communication issues common in ASD, ADHD, and a few other conditions.

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